The Divine, Phi Spiral of Scalar Light That Creates and Governs the Universe
The Creative Strength: the Divine, Phi Spiral of Scalar Light That Creates and Governs the Universe
A divine design predominates throughout the universe. The universe is created according to a specific mathematical model and a numerical value derived therefrom which is found in all aspects of creation. The mathematical model is the Fibonacci sequence and the numerical value is phi: 1.618... The phi value or golden ratio is a transcendent value thereby describing the transcendent character of creation. In specific, an infinite universe requires an infinite, numerical value to describe its infinite character.
A Fibonacci sequence begins with the integer numbers 0 and 1, and each new number in the sequence is the sum of the two (2), previous integers in the sequence. Hence, an example of the Fibonacci sequence is:
Fibonacci Sequence
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10,946, 17,711, 28,657...
The phi value, 1.618... may be derived from a Fibonacci sequence by dividing one integer in the sequence by the previous integer. The result will be an approximation of the phi value, which is 1.618... For example, 377 divided by 233 = 1.618... Thus, the Fibonacci numbers represent the best whole number approximations of the phi value or golden ratio.
Scalar light embodies the concept of the phi value. Scalar light is a double helix, phi spiral in which the length for each full cycle of its double helix, phi spiral is 1.618... times greater than its width. Thus, the scalar light wave form is a perfect phi spiral in which the value of phi, 1.618... is embodied within its double helix design.
The Sun of our solar system as well as the stars of the universe serve as the "storehouses," of scalar light, the divine essence. Scalar light is the "Creative Strength" of God and it is upon this fundament that the universe is created and governed. The scalar light wave form serves as the informational input to assemble and maintain physical matter in the universe. Thus, the Creative Strength of God is responsible for the geometry of the universe. For example, the spiral galaxies of the universe assume the configuration of a phi spiral as these galaxies continuously receive scalar light instructions. Spiral galaxies increase in size by a factor of phi: 1.618... That is, a spiral galaxy radiates further from its origin by a factor of phi for every quarter turn of its spiral growth. Therefore, it is the divine instructions incorporated within a scalar wave that is responsible for the geometry of the spiral galaxies found in the universe.
Galaxy with a phi spiral created by scalar light from the stars
The DNA molecule is created and maintained by scalar light; therefore, the Fibonacci sequence is embodied within deoxyribonucleic acid. In specific, the DNA molecule measures 34 angstroms in length by 21 angstroms in width for each full cycle of its double helix, phi spiral. This ratio of 34 divided by 21 approximates to phi: 1.618... Hence, it is scalar light that imparts the phi value or golden ratio to create and maintain the DNA molecule, which accordingly assumes a double helix shape. Succinctly, scalar light imparts the instructions for the formation of the molecule of life, DNA, thereby creating and maintaining the human genome.
B-DNA Molecule Phi Spiral
Additionally, the B-DNA molecule has a major grove length of 21 angstroms and a minor grove length of 13 angstroms. This ratio of 21 divided by 13 is 1.615..., which is an approximation of phi: 1.618... Correspondingly, it is the instructions embodied within the phi spiral of scalar light that serves as the blueprint for creating and maintaining the proportion and ratio found in the major grove-minor grove design of the B-DNA molecule.
A final example of the phi spiral of scalar light is that of the sunflower. The sunflower grows in a whirling, spiral pattern due to the informational input of scalar light which regulates the life and growth of the flower. The heads of sunflowers have two series of curves with one winding in one sense and the other winding in a different sense. The number of spirals are different in each sense with the following combinations being prevalent: 21-34, 34-55, 55-89, 89-144. These combinations are Fibonacci sequence numbers calling to mind the phi spiral of scalar light which is responsible for such a design. It is the phi spiral of scalar light that imparts the informational code upon a sunflower head. For instance, the sunflower head demonstrates a geometry indicative of the phi spiral: the sunflower head reveals 21 clockwise spirals and thereafter 34 counter clockwise spirals. The numbers 21 and 34 are Fibonacci numbers and it is the instructions of scalar light that is responsible for this Fibonacci pattern. The sunflower spirals of 34 divided by 21 approximates to phi: 1.618...
Sunflower Head with a Phi Spiral Incorporated Within
In summation, scalar light is the Creative Strength of God that instructs all action and thus creates and governs the universe. In specific, scalar light imparts an informational input on all physical forms in the universe and thus is responsible for assembling and maintaining the entire universe according to that informational input. All scalar waves are incorporated with the phi value or golden ratio: 1.618.... Thus, it is scalar light that imparts this divine proportion or golden ratio found throughout creation. Scalar light is the paintbrush of God and this Divine Intelligence manifests it's sublime and transcendent design throughout the universe. Scalar light is a divine attribute of God, the Creator.
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