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The Role of Scalar Light in the Creation of the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe

> virgin of guadalupe

The Role of Scalar Light in the Creation of the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe


Scalar light is a divine light. God, the Creator, created scalar light with the command: "Be light made. And light was made." Genesis 1,3. Scalar light carries all divine instructions, thereby imparting divine instructions or intelligence to the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical realms. The Sun of the solar system as well as the stars of the universe serve as, "storehouses" of the divine light. All stars are empowered by scalar light which is an eternal energy responsible for the eternal life of these celestial bodies. Furthermore, God, the Creator, created an infinite universe, thus, the number of stars in the universe is infinite. As a result, the infinite stars of the universe serve to impart infinite, divine instructions or intelligence to enhance our spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical well-being. Scalar light serves as the infinite and eternal blessing from God.

On December 12, 1531, God performed a stupendous miracle and imparted the image of the Blessed Virgin Mary known as, "The Virgin of Guadalupe," upon the tilma of Juan Diego, a Catholic convert. God utilized scalar light, the divine energy, in order to impart and subsequently maintain the image of The Virgin of Guadalupe upon the agave popotule cloak of Juan Diego. To this present day, the real presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary remains upon the tilma of Juan Diego and is on display at the Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico City, Mexico.


The Virgin of Guadalupe Appearing to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill


Virgin of Guadalupe Appearing to Juan Diego on Tepeyac Hill


The Virgin of Guadalupe initially appeared to Juan Diego on December 9, 1531, as he was walking past Tepeyac Hill in order to attend Holy Mass. The Virgin of Guadalupe was clothed in scalar light from the Sun and she beckoned Juan Diego to ascend Tepeyac Hill in order to speak with him. Juan Diego reported that the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared as if she was 15 or 16 years of age without any blemish or sign of aging. Juan Diego was awestruck with the beauty of the Virgin of Guadalupe. This is attributed to the fact that the Blessed in heaven are embodied by scalar light which accounts for their perfect complexion and youthful appearance. Succinctly, the scalar light of heaven is the cause for immortality amongst the Blessed as there is neither sickness nor death in an environment of perfect and complete scalar light.

The Virgin of Guadalupe instructed Juan Diego to visit Bishhop Zumarraga and to request that a church be built on Tepeyac Hill in her honor. Initially, Bishop Zumarraga was unconvinced as to the veracity of the apparition of the Virgin of Guadalupe and demanded a sign as proof to the authenticity of the Virgin's request. Thereafter, on December 12, 1531, Juan Diego again saw the Virgin of Guadalupe on Tepeyac Hill clothed in scalar light from the Sun and received the sign from her that the Bishop had requested. The Virgin of Guadalupe assembled roses inside the agave tilma of Juan Diego and instructed that this floral arrangement be presented to the Bishop immediately. Juan Diego obeyed the Virgin's request and proceeded in haste to present the roses to Bishop Zumarraga.

Upon meeting Bishop Zumarraga, Juan Diego opened his cloak and the roses inside fell to the ground. Miraculously, the scalar light image of the Virgin of Guadalupe appeared on the tilma where the roses had been initially placed. Bishop Zumarraga fell to his knees and acknowledged the real presence of the Virgin of Guadalupe that had been imparted on the tilma by way of scalar light. This miraculous image of the Virgin of Guadalupe proved the authenticity of the apparition and a church was subsequently built to honor the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The scalar light image of the Virgin of Guadalupe possesses many subtle and profound mysteries. One mystery was that the stars of heaven were imparted upon the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe in the exact position as they would appear in the morning sky on December 12, 1531, in reference to the geographical location of Tepeyac Hill. Scalar light is an informational energy and the precise configuration of the constellations were imparted on the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe by way of this intelligent energy. Hence, the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is itself a miniature universe that records for eternity the position of the stars as well as the influence that these celestial bodies exert upon mankind.


Stars Superimposed Upon the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe


Stars Superimposed Upon the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe


Scientific studies have been conducted as to the nature of the coloration found on the tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe. An examination of the tilma by a laser revealed that the colors are not incorporated into the agave fabric of the tilma; rather, the colors of the image are produced by scalar light that floats above the surface of the tilma. Scalar light possesses an infinite number of instructions which can be expressed as an infinite number of colors. Evidence suggests that the colors of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe are not of animal, plant or mineral origin. Furthermore, the colors of the tilma pass through the agave fiber from front to back and seem to have a three-dimensional character. Over the centuries, the colors of the image have maintained their luminosity and brilliance and even exhibit the phenomenon of iridescence. Scalar light is responsible for the luminosity, brilliance and iridescence of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Scalar light is eternal energy and is the mystical cause for the colors of the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The image of the Virgin of Guadalupe was created by scalar light the moment Juan Diego unfurled his tilma to present the roses to Bishop Zumarraga. God in His infinite Wisdom appointed that precise moment in time to create the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Upon careful examination, the eyes of the Virgin of Guadalupe bear the reflection of at least thirteen (13) people who were present in the room with Bishop Zumarraga when Juan Diego opened his tilma. Scalar light was likewise responsible for imparting the image of these thirteen (13) persons upon the iris and pupil of the eye of the Virgin of Guadalupe.


The Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe


Virgin of Guadalupe


The reflection of any person or object can typically be seen on the iris and pupil of the human eye. The fact that this same phenomenon is found on the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is extraordinary. Only scalar light, the paintbrush of God, could have created and maintained such a reflection over the centuries. Scalar light is eternal and perfect and any image created by this subtle light form is likewise eternal and perfect, as is the reflection found in the eye of the Virgin of Guadalupe.

The Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is alive with scalar light. That is, the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe is the actual living presence of the Blessed Virgin Mary who was created by God. Therefore, the Virgin of Guadalupe possesses human characteristics as scientific inquiry has discovered. Some of the human characteristics of the Image of the Virgin of Guadalupe are as follows:

1) A stethoscope was placed below the black band at the waist of the Virgin of Guadalupe. Rhythmic heartbeats at 115 beats/minute were detected indicating the presence of a Baby in the womb. The Virgin of Guadalupe is pregnant with Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

2) The tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe maintains a constant temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the average, normal body temperature of a person.

3) The eyes of the tilma of the Virgin of Guadalupe contract when exposed to light and dilate when light is withdrawn.

My prayer remains that humanity will soon realize that scalar light is perfect and divine in character as this energy is found exclusively in heaven. Scalar light is a divine energy created by God and thus one of His infinite attributes. Once scalar light is acknowledged and embraced, then humanity will once again have dominion over the earth as the gift of divine light was originally enjoyed in the Garden of Eden. May humanity recognize scalar light as a blessing from God the Father, as "one of His greatest creations." Fiat.




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