PCR Testing for Viruses in Relation to the Administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse
> pathogenic cleanse, pcr test results, viruses
The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse operates within the scalar light dimension or the quantum dimension as scalar light is non-physical, divine energy. As a fundamental force, scalar light can negate the molecular bonds of the nucleic acid of any virus. In practice, all scalar light sessions are administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. These photographs possess the non-physical, scalar light signature of the person, animal, plant or object, respectively. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify a virus incorporated upon a photograph of a person, animal or plant and subsequently administer scalar light instructions to disassemble the nucleic acid of that virus identified on the photograph. In essence, the photograph of a person, animal or plant represents the quantum energy, mirror-like image of that person, animal or plant, respectively. All photographs possess scalar light instructions. It is crucial to note that scalar light carries the instructions of all spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical activity of the universe. That is, scalar light is the carrier wave for all intelligence.
The polymerase chain reaction test or PCR test serves as a diagnostic test for viruses in relation to the administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. Polymerase chain reaction tests are utilized extensively in molecular biology as a proven technique to detect and amplify both DNA and RNA sequences found in viruses. The polymerase chain reaction test is able to make millions or billions of copies of either DNA or RNA from a viral sample thereby affording laboratory analysis. Subsequently, the analysis of a viral sample will determine the presence or absence of a virus in a person or animal. The PCR test method is an accurate diagnostic test, however, operational guidelines are necessary in order to properly interpret the data.
The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse disassembles the DNA or RNA of a virus into many smaller nucleotide particles. Hence, once the virus is fragmented, many of these nucleotide particles will be detected in the bloodstream. A PCR test conducted immediately after the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse has been initially administered may reveal these remaining viral proteins or nucleotide particles that remain from the fragmented virus. In practice, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse transmutes a virus by negating the molecular bonds that assemble and maintain the nucleic acid of a virus. Thereafter, the viral proteins and nucleotide particles are eventually metabolized by normal, biological processes.
I recommend that people wait 2 - 3 months after the initial Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse in order to acquire a PCR test to ascertain their viral load. The herpes virus, Epstein-Barr virus and human papilloma virus will typically show no viral load after three (3) months from the initial administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse.
However, some PCR testing for both the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses are much more stringent and follow a different protocol in many circumstances. Bear in mind that there are many variations of the PCR test and the testing standards for both the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses are significantly different from that of other viruses. In light of the unique testing standards of PCR testing for both the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses, additional time is needed for the fragmented nucleotide particles to be removed from the bloodstream in order to be undetected. Succinctly, many PCR tests for both the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses follow a protocol that is deemed by some in the scientific community to be excessive and inappropriate to detect a living, viable virus.
Furthermore, the interpretation of data from PCR testing for the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses differs form one laboratory to the next. There is not one (1) standardized PCR analysis of data amongst laboratories. In short, the interpretation of data used to describe the state of being "detectable" or "undetectable" varies from laboratory to laboratory. For instance, there are some cases in which the PCR testing quantification cycles for both the HIV virus as well as the hepatitis viruses has been as high as 35 - 40 cycles. This over amplification of a PCR sample might produce false positive results or a false viral load detection. In reality, such a high threshold for PCR quantification cycles is not advised as only viral fragments are typically identified within that range of 35 - 40 quantification cycles, rather than a living, viable virus.
The PCR Test Is an Accurate Diagnostic Test, However, Operational Guidelines Are Necessary in Order to Properly Interpret the Results Therefrom
The advent of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse necessitates a new diagnostic test that will ascertain the presence or absence of a virus. Currently, some PCR test results are misinterpreted after the administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. As a result, PCR tests might erroneously detect nucleotide sequences rather than a living, viable virus. Hence, the emerging science of scalar light will require a new diagnostic method and interpretation of data to be developed for viruses as well as other pathogens. However, if the PCR diagnostic test continues to be utilized to ascertain the presence or absence of a virus after the administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse, then guidelines must be established as to the number of quantification cycles that is acceptable and deemed to be accurate. A PCR test for viruses that is administered with an excessive number of quantification cycles is inconclusive and to be rejected.
In conclusion, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to transmute or disassemble the nucleic acid of a virus. On balance, the PCR test is a very accurate diagnostic test that is capable of detecting the viral load of many viruses. However, the PCR testing method as well as interpretation of the test results varies amongst laboratories and clinicians. Once the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse has been administered, a virus is disassembled into smaller and more numerous nucleotide sequences. Subsequently, time is needed for these fragmented nucleotide sequences to disassemble further in order to be not detected by a PCR diagnostic test.
Scalar energy is a new and emerging science and thus the terms, words, descriptions, theories, test results, scalar light sessions, diagnostic test results, testimonies, etc. reflect the body of evidence of this new branch of physics, scalar light. The terms and expressions utilized to describe scalar light action do not have a linguistic equivalent to any other scientific discipline or teaching. It is my hope that the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse will one day be embraced as an effective, quantum healing protocol.
May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.
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