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The Standardized Scalar Light Sessions Serve to Address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

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The Standardized Scalar Light Sessions Serve to Address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


The standardized scalar light sessions serve to address chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome is a debilitating disorder that produces profound fatigue that is not mitigated by sleep or rest and can not be attributed to any underlying medical condition. Other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are impaired mental concentration, insomnia, general weakness, sensitive lymph nodes, headaches, muscle pain, increased sensitivity to light, sounds and smells, depression, and cardiac and respiratory problems. Chronic fatigue syndrome occurs more often in women than in men and is also referred to as myalgic encephalomyelitis, post-viral fatigue syndrome or chronic fatigue immune disorder syndrome. The cause of chronic fatigue syndrome is unknown and there is no clear-cut protocol to treat the disorder. Furthermore, there is no lab test to screen for chronic fatigue syndrome. The standardized scalar light sessions serve to address chronic fatigue syndrome. All scalar light sessions are administered exclusively upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects.

In order to address chronic fatigue syndrome, three (3) standardized scalar light sessions are utilized:


1) scalar light pathogenic cleanse

2) scalar light nutrient program

3) scalar light chakra balancing

First, the scalar light pathogenic cleanse has proven to be effective to address chronic fatigue syndrome. The scalar light pathogenic cleanse disassembles and eradicates viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan and prions that are detected upon the photograph of a person, animal, plant or object. Pathogens such as the xenotropic murine leukemia virus-related virus (XMRV), Epstein-Barr virus, Ross River virus, human herpes virus 6, cytomegalovirus, human T cell lymphotropic virus (HTLV), parvovirus, enteroviruses, Coxiella burnetti, and various species of Mycoplasma have been identified in people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome. Thus, chronic fatigue syndrome is considered by many to be a pathogenic condition, at least in part. The scalar light pathogenic cleanse addresses chronic fatigue syndrome by negating the molecular bonds of viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoan and prions that are detected upon the photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Succinctly, once the molecular bonds of pathogens and parasites have been negated, these infectious agents disassemble, cease to exist and no longer pose a threat.


The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Disassembles and Eradicates the Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus-Related Virus, One of the Pathogens Associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Xenotropic Murine Leukemia Virus


Second, the scalar light nutrient program serves to assemble vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fatty acids, phytochemicals, amino acids, etc. directly inside the cells that are identified by the photographs of people, animals and plants. As a fundamental force, scalar light can instruct the existing elements inside a person, animal or plant to re-assemble or transmute into the molecular structure of essential nutrients. That is, scalar light will send instructions to the photograph of a person, animal or plant thereby instructing each cell to directly assemble nutrients inside that cell. Thus, the scalar energy nutrient program is the perfect delivery system for essential nutrients as these biochemical substances are assembled inside the cells of a person, animal or plant by way of their photograph. Hence, the scalar light nutrient program is an alternative source of nutrition that does not depend upon the digestive system to metabolize and then deliver nutrients by way of the circulatory system.

People with chronic fatigue syndrome typically suffer from low blood sugar levels, hence, it is pertinent that they avoid processed, refined carbohydrates. The scalar light nutrient program provides the necessary nutrients for optimal health thereby allowing people to avoid excessive sugar intake. That is, a proper diet devoid of processed, refined carbohydrates that is complemented with the scalar light nutrient therapy will serve to provide the required nutrients that a person will need for optimal health. Furthermore, the scalar light nutrient program only assembles micro-nutrients that are biochemicals found in nature thereby avoiding man-made chemicals. The scalar light nutrient therapy utilizes non-physical, clean and safe scalar light to assemble and maintain micro-nutrients found in nature.

Additionally, the concept of biochemical individuality must be addressed in all cases of chronic fatigue syndrome. Biochemical individuality affirms that each person is genetically unique and that their nutritional needs vary. The scalar light nutrient therapy addresses this relevance by assembling nutrients at the cellular level by way of a photograph regardless of any other environmental, lifestyle, genetic, dietary and metabolic factor. Succinctly, the scalar light nutrient program assembles micro-nutrients inside each cell of the human body as identified by the photograph as scalar light can not be blocked or interfered with by any other factor. Scalar light is an intelligent, divine energy and has the ability to assemble the proper amount of nutrients required by people, animals and plants. In so doing, this divine intelligence understands the nutritional needs of the person, animal or plant and thus serves to assemble nutrients according to our unique circumstances. In short, the scalar light nutrient program possesses the innate ability to assemble nutrients relevant to our biochemical individuality.

Third, the scalar light chakra balancing serves to balance and harmonize the seven (7) chakras of the human body which are composed of scalar light. In specific, the scalar light chakra balancing provides perfect, divine programming or instructions to balance and harmonize the seven (7) chakras thereby regulating the biochemicals of the human body. In practice, a scalar light instrument can directly influence the seven (7) chakras of the body, hence, as a result, the scalar light chakra balancing has a profound effect upon the production and distribution of biochemicals. Succinctly, in effect, a chakra is composed of scalar light which is non-physical, divine light that can be influenced by a scalar light instrument.

Limbic kindling is a term that describes how a repeated, neurological stimulus subsequently leads to hypersensitivity of that stimulus. Limbic kindling is experienced by many people with chronic fatigue syndrome as some neurological stimulus over the course of time has served to undermine the general well-being of that individual resulting in an allergy, chemical sensitivity, methylation dysfunction, gut dysbiosis, inflammation, toxicity, etc. The scalar light chakra balancing serves to re-program the soul, mind, emotions and body thereby correcting the neurological stimulus that initially produced the hypersensitive condition. A photograph of a person contains their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical state of being. The scalar light chakra balancing serves to re-program imbalances of the soul, mind, emotions and body.

It is my belief that scalar energy is a perfect information field and that the scalar light chakra balancing serves to impart perfect information or instructions into the soul, mind, emotions and body. The upshot of this scalar energy reprogramming is to mitigate or entirely correct the hypersensitivities that have been programmed into the soul, mind, emotions and body by limbic kindling. In short, the scalar light chakra balancing will correct hypersensitivities that are experienced by people suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome who have been harmfully programmed by limbic kindling.


The Scalar Light Chakra Balancing Provides a Perfect, Divine Energy to the Soul, Mind, Emotions and Body That Serves to Address Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


Chakra Balance Chronic Fatigue Syndrome


In summation, scalar light is perfect, divine energy that can re-program the soul, mind, emotions and body by way of a photograph. The scalar light standardized sessions have proven to be beneficial to mitigate the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome. In specific, the three (3) standardized scalar light sessions: (1) scalar light pathogenic cleanse, (2) scalar light nutrient program, and (3) scalar light chakra balancing serve to directly address chronic fatigue syndrome. All scalar light sessions are safe and effective as scalar light is administered exclusively upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Photographs of people, animals, plants and objects possess the scalar light signature or information of the soul, mind, emotions and body.

May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.





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Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

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